
The dance costumes emphasize the movements. The costumes are important from the start of the project. They often come first and get later a function in a performance.


Some performances:

'De bittere tranen van Petra Von Kant' 1989, Shereen Stroker, Het zuidelijk Toneel, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Paula Abduls worldtour, 1991, Los Angeles, USA

'Scapino meets Dap', 1992 , dance performance, Daniel Ezralow, Scapino, Eindhoven, The Netherlands

'Trazom', 1992, Iso dance company, Joyce theater, NY, USA

'Red Rubber,' 1993, Opera, Alex Steyermark, Antwerpen '93, De Singel, Antwerp, Belgium

'De rug bibliotheek van reflexen', dance performance, Eddy Becquart, Hogeschool, Tilburg, The Netherlands

'Motorella', 1995, dansvoorstelling, Ashley Roland, College of performing Arts, Philadelphia, USA

'Proximity', 1995, dansvoorstelling, Nina Winthrop, NY, USA

'Le journal d'Eve' 1998, Caroline Van Calster, Le Festival de Spa, Belgium

'Het orgelt', 2009, dansvoorstelling, Pé Vermeersch, Belgium




'Les paradoxes de la mode', Woluwe-Saint-Lambert, Belgium


'Vormgevers in beweging', Gemeentemuseum, The Hague, The Netherlands

'Attitudes' ICC, Antwerp, Belgium

Galerie RA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


'Blowing in the wind', Gallery Aspects, London, United Kingdom

Textile Biennal, Bratislava, Tsecho-Slowaky

'Europaïsches Kunsthandwerk' Stuttgart, Germany


'Danskostuums', Modemuseum, Hasselt, Belgïum


'Kleidung als Kunst' (Art to wear'), Handwerkskammer, Düsseldorf, Germany

'1ste Triënnale voor Vormgeving', Vizo, Design Museum, Ghent, Belgium


'Vlaamse Sier', De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


'Op mens en maat', 2de Triënnale voor Vormgeving' Vizo, Design Museum, Ghent, Belgium


Lifetime Achievement Award, province Antwerp, Belgium

'In and Out', Vizo, Brussels, Belgium


'Ontboezemingen', Modemuseum, Hasselt, Belgium


'20 jaar galerie Binnen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


'Lifetime Achievement Award, Henry Vande Velde' Design, Vlaanderen Brussels, Belgium

'Vitrine 2008', Antwerp, Belgium

'Eerste prijzen', Galerie De Mijlpaal, Heusden-Zolder, Belgium

'Futurotextiel', Kortrijk, Belgium


'European Prize for Applied Arts' ,WCC-bf, Mons, Belgium



'Stof tot bewegen' jan.'85 dance performance, Turnhout, Belgium
'Stof tot bewegen' jan.'85 dance performance, Turnhout, Belgium
'Stof tot bewegen' jan.'85 dance performance, Turnhout, Belgium
'Stof tot bewegen' jan.'85 dance performance, Turnhout, Belgium
Text-Tielt,1987, performance, Tielt, Belgium
Text-Tielt,1987, performance, Tielt, Belgium
'Peau d'Ane', 1988, own production
'Peau d'Ane', 1988, own production
'Peau d'Ane', 1988, own production
'Peau d'Ane', 1988, own production
'Time Out', opera, 1988, ISO, Italy, USA
'Time Out', opera, 1988, ISO, Italy, USA
'Time Out', opera, 1988, ISO, Italy, USA
'Time Out', opera, 1988, ISO, Italy, USA
'Time Out', opera, 1988, ISO, Italy, USA
'Time Out', opera, 1988, ISO, Italy, USA
'Time Out', opera, 1988, ISO, Italy, USA
'Time Out', opera, 1988, ISO, Italy, USA
'Proximity' 1995, dance performance, Nina Winthrop, NY, USA
'Proximity' 1995, dance performance, Nina Winthrop, NY, USA
'De rug bibliotheek van reflexen' 1994 , Eddy Bequart, Tilburg, The Netherlands
'De rug bibliotheek van reflexen' 1994 , Eddy Bequart, Tilburg, The Netherlands
Costume, 1991,Paula Abdul, Los Angeles, USA
Costume, 1991,Paula Abdul, Los Angeles, USA
Costume,1991, Paula Abdul, Los Angeles, USA
Costume,1991, Paula Abdul, Los Angeles, USA
Costume, 1991, Paula Abdul, Los Angeles, USA
Costume, 1991, Paula Abdul, Los Angeles, USA
Costume, 1991, inflated
Costume, 1991, inflated
'2D-3D', 2008, Kunst Op Kamers, dance performance, De Rijp, The Netherlands 2008
'2D-3D', 2008, Kunst Op Kamers, dance performance, De Rijp, The Netherlands 2008
'2D-3D', 2008, Kunst Op Kamers, dance performance, De Rijp, The Netherlands 2008
'2D-3D', 2008, Kunst Op Kamers, dance performance, De Rijp, The Netherlands 2008
'2D-3D', 2008, Kunst Op Kamers, dance performance, De Rijp, The Netherlands
'2D-3D', 2008, Kunst Op Kamers, dance performance, De Rijp, The Netherlands
'2D-3D', 2008, Kunst Op Kamers, dance performance, De Rijp, The Netherlands
'2D-3D', 2008, Kunst Op Kamers, dance performance, De Rijp, The Netherlands
'2D-3D', 2008, Kunst Op Kamers, dance performance, De Rijp, The Netherlands
'2D-3D', 2008, Kunst Op Kamers, dance performance, De Rijp, The Netherlands
'Het orgelt' 2009' dance performance, Pé Vermeersch
'Het orgelt' 2009' dance performance, Pé Vermeersch